Michael Cherwayia Thao is a business enterpreneur, a community and political activist.

He came to the United States of America in 1978 when he was 13 years old.  He graduated at Highland Park Senior High School and went on to graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Minor in Mathematics and Physic.

His mother passed away when he was 3 years old during the "Secret War" in Laos.  His brother was 8 months old and his older brother was 5 years old.

Michael praises how the opportunities in USA allows him to pursuit his dreams.  He believes that without the opportunities in America, you will not have the same opportunity.  A Big Thank You to all the elders and veterans for their sacrfice to his success and many others. 

He believes that those born in the USA are lucky to be born in one of the greatest country in the world.  A country that provides the most opportunities to those want to be better.  Those who came to this country are luckier.  Most of them came from a country has little to offer to the success of this individual.

Michael dreams of helping one family at a time to prepare for future financial needs.  He believe in Generational Wealth which we all can change the future.  We just cannot change the past.  Let the past help us to prepare the future.

Michael is well known in his community.  Senator Foung Hawj once said "If you don't know Michael Cherwayia Thao, you are not living in Saint Paul, and you are not a community activits."
Michael Cherwayia Thao is the President/CEO of Generational Financial Group, Inc and Partners Enterprise Realty, LLC.  He also own a tax services company, MCT Tax Services, Inc.

Michael is a big Network Marketing/Multilevel Marketing believer.  Leverage is the key to all business owners and enterpreneurs.

If anyone of you want to participate in a business with little financial needs but have the opportunity to earn for lifetime and for generations, feel FREE to connect with Michael at michaelthao@generationalgroup.com.

If we don't prepare now for future generations, every generations will be sufferring financially.

Dreams give people hope and one step closer to success.  Goals are the steps towards success.  Actions prove that 50% the individual with Dreams will succeed.

We cannot change the past, but we can change the future.  We cannot decide how we borned, but we can decide how we live.  Our success depends on nobody, but us.

We decide and we act.  Actions equal Activities.  Activities equal Results.  Results equal Happiness.
How would you like to earn on the world buying power that are part of the network?

To Business Owners:

Would you like to retain your customers?
Would you like to increase your revenue?
Would you like to earn from you customers buying power?
Listen to Michael Cherwayia Thao on Hmong Radio Broadcasting, WIXK1590AM or at PebHmong TV.  Click on Listen to Michael, you will see his archieve whether radio or TV..
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